Friday, August 1, 2008


SERIOUS SECURITY PROBLEMS AT THE LOFTS AT NOHO COMMONS - — The Lofts at Noho Commons. There is a hidden story developing here. Under the facade of the modern design and amenities, there is a story of dangers developing. The general consensus is focused on the well being of the children and families that reside here, as well as to deter the inevitability of more violence, further property loss and death.



August 1, 2008

TO: Scott McCarter, Redwood Partners, Inc.
Scott Morrison, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Mary O'Rourke, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Octavio Sanchez, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.

FROM: Families residing at The Lofts at Noho Commons

As per testimony by the residents of numerous complaints to the leasing staff, at The Lofts of Noho Commons, at 11136 Chandler Boulevard, North Hollywood, California 91601, currently under the supervision of Octavio Sanchez, regarding security, maintenance, and health and cleanliness issues, you and your staff have had knowledge of resident dissatisfaction since the introduction of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. There has been a steady decline in all areas. In all fairness to your staff, we understand there has been some level of dissatisfaction regarding these same issues under Jodie Piccinino, while she was the community manager representing Alliance Residential Company.

Upon review of your letter posted on August 1, 2008, the obvious question one may ask, "why weren't the facts collected of the criminal activity at The Lofts of Noho Commons asked the day of the armed robbery in the parking structure months ago?" With that said, your staff has leased apartments to known drug dealers and prostitutes prior to that incident, which is common knowledge of the families residing here. In addition, numerous vehicles have been vandalized or stolen prior to the robbery, which due to the two cameras in the parking structure, provide limited coverage and to my understanding have not been useful to LAPD to provide any significant evidence of the crime occurring. The single camera in each of the stairwells only provides coverage of the street level doorways. Locks of the street level doors are often broken, propped open with rocks, or tape, as well as on different levels for weeks at a time. Lights in the common areas within the property are often dark, as well as insufficient lighting is available in the common areas outside 11135 Weddington Street, making it easy for predators to wait upon their next victims. The video feeds from the "working" cameras all go to Octavio Sanchez's office, not to a 24-HOUR ONSITE SECURITY OFFICER. The alarms on both doorways to the roof do not sound when opened, which is a fire violation, as well as the pile of boxes in the parking structure that have only recently been discarded. The electronic entry system at each entry point does not work with any consistency, as well has a "backdoor" access code one can use to gain entry the office staff denies exists. In addition, there will be more photos posted on the blog found online at of all of the common areas of The Lofts at Noho Commons in the next day or two, along with visual proof of when the photographs were taken. These photos will illustrate the size and scope of the property, as well as the lack of coverage of cameras, as well as to illustrate the problems with the lights in the common areas, and some of the other security issues described above.

The introduction of one patrolling officer between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM is very much welcome, is far from inadequate to provide protection to the families and children residing in the 292 rental units, as well as the businesses of the 14 live/work units located on 11135 Weddington Street. With the sheer size of this property, and the number of families residing here, it is literally a city, and needs to have a law enforcement presence of one.

In addition, with the park due for construction across the street, next to The Gallery at Noho Commons, at 5416 Fair Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91601, as well as Phase 3, which includes the seven-screen Laemmle Theaters scheduled for construction on Weddington Street, The Lofts at Noho Commons literally will be in the center of an area which by design will help with the illusion of gentrification, while the neighborhood still deals with the issues of gang activity.

At a news conference on November 21st, 2006, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, City Councilman Tom LaBonge and County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky hailed the opening of J.H. Snyder Co.’s The Lofts at NoHo Commons for spurring the revitalization of North Hollywood.

“The NoHo Arts District is a unique and special place in Los Angeles,” said Mayor Villaraigosa. “The NoHo Commons not only embraces the unique character of the neighborhood, but it's a smart, transit-friendly development where an artist, a teacher or a firefighter can live and enjoy all that the community has to offer.”

I agree with Mayor Villaraigosa's sentiment, as well as many of our residents do as well. If this weren’t the case, all of the families would have relocated, or would never have chosen to make this their domicile. I find it hard to believe that Mr. McCarter and his investors, were ignorant of the history of this neighborhood, and yet never provided information to prospective residents, and families already residing here. You will find the review of the bidding security company will find the basic security measures offered inadequate, and not comply with local and state laws, especially due to the history of the neighborhood, as well as the history of the property. Landlords have a general common law duty to act reasonably under the circumstances or "act with due care" to keep you safe from noncriminal and criminal harm. California Judges have ruled that landlords must take reasonable precautions to protect tenants from foreseeable criminal assaults and property crimes.

The meaning of "reasonable precautions" depends on the situation. In general, if there have been prior incidents of crime on the landlord's property, and particularly if the landlord's lapse in security could have been remedied easily, the chances that the landlord will be responsible go way up. In this case, the thefts and vandalism have been happening for some time, and should have been addressed. Now with the introduction to violent crime, the landlord should have had a full security presence months ago.

We welcome the roaming officer while things are being worked out. But just has it always been illustrated by the lack of action by management, no contact information for the officer, nor the protocol for the residents on how to contact that officer has been provided. In addition, the single officer is also at risk because of not having any kind of immediate support in case of direct or indirect cause of action by any potential criminal activity.

Scott, please act quickly and appropriately. We have the lives of families and children at stake. We will be open to any positive dialogue that may offer a positive solution for everyone involved. However, there cannot be a compromise on the strength of the security presence. This is unacceptable.

With that said, please take the time to look at the petition that can be found online at and the signatures found at . There is also a blog posted offering additional information and photographs online at . These are not meant to be slanderous, but offered as tools to provide information for the residents to remain vigilant, as well as to help you locate some of the real problems the management team has been incompetent to rectify.

At this time, I will strongly suggest to fellow residents the solidification of a tenant association or committee. This committee will have the power to act as a unified entity to oversee the living conditions of this residency. We would work together with the management company to raise and maintain the general quality of our living experience at The Lofts at Noho Commons. This will cover all facets of The Lofts at Noho Commons. I also suggest to the residents to prepare, collect and have readily available, all relevant information, including documentation of any criminal activity known to you, including police reports if available, photographs, and any other documentation needed to solidify our position. If possible, please post relevant information onto our blog so that there is a public record of it. I ask the residents and I meet prior to your proposed meeting. Please give suggestions on time and place on the blog at .

I look forward to meeting with Mr. McCarter, and the representatives of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. on August 6, 2008. Let us hope that we can find an amicable solution to the ever-increasing criminal activities, and THE CONSEQUENCES EVERYONE WILL BE EFFECTED BY.

Thursday, July 31, 2008



Tonight a friend and I decided we were going for a ride on the bicycle path. As we are leaving the Chandler Boulevard entrance, a woman comes down to let in someone waiting outside near the door. Immediately he is the doorway, and we had to work our way around him to get out. Yelling begins as we are riding away. We turn around and park both bikes. My friend is in the door. Water was thrown onto the woman, as well as a new resident and her son as they were exiting the elevator. Some words were said and he left with minimal contact. The police were called, as he was walking down the block. I assume the woman went back upstairs. Minutes later I receive two phone calls from officers on the scene.

As my friend and I are returning, we see a police helicopter in the distance circling around. Since we were miles away we weren’t 100% sure if they were circling the building again.

We return and he is outside. He had a different colored shirt on. They were called again. And by the way, where is our security officer I ask? That’s right, we only had one patrolling the night before on loan.

All I want to do is have a nice home to come home to. Is that too much to ask for? This was clearly a domestic dispute between a resident and her boyfriend. It is not my business, nor do I want to even want to know about it. Something needs to be said, if I am seeing so much stuff on a daily basis just living my life. Imagine if I or someone else took the time to go through this place deliberately looking for problems.

We run into another resident. We all enter through the Weddington entrance. We begin discussing problems we have seen here, and he tells us of two guys trying to steal a car from the parking structure this past Monday. He will be signing the petition with all of the details about that incident. Then he tells us of two kids checking to see if the U-Haul truck that has been parked outside Chandler Boulevard for a couple of days was unlocked. He yelled from the balcony to get them away from the truck. This was today. Then he tells us of riding up in the elevator with four others, while two of them began jumping around. Of course, that is when the elevator broke that was out for a week.

This place is a time bomb waiting to go off. Scott, what is it going to take? Why have you been so resistant? Is it going to take someone hurt seriously or killed for the appropriate line of action to transpire? In that event, there will be lawsuits and negative press to tank this property. Can you really afford to take a nearly $100 million dollar hit? I’m sure your investors won’t want that. I pray there will be no further issues, but of course that is not realistic. With the history of gang activity in this immediate area, this property is a beacon for attention. There are people here daily checking out cars. I would like to ask, how many times have any of the residents seen people hanging out in cars just parked in the parking structure? How many times have you seen a really crappy car just drive in, circle around the guest area and drive out? I’ve seen both scenarios several times. Do you think the parking structure is the next cool place for adolescents to hang out? No, they are scoping things out. Please Scott, what is it going to take?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MARCH 31st 2008 to JULY 27th 2008

MARCH 31st 2008 to JULY 27th 2008

This is a document that was given to me July 27th 2008 by a resident in executive protection.

One of our concerns in moving to a much bigger building than our prior residence was, safety! We also considered the area of North Hollywood because of the criminal element here in the surrounding neighborhoods. We were assured by the staff here that it was absolutely safe and that no real problems had ever occurred. The following is a list of our encounters here since we have moved in, just 4 months ago.
1. Armed robbery at gun point down the stairs near the elevators in the parking garage. Suspect put a gun to one of our residents head and stole her money.
2. Many times now there has been a group of gang style looking men down in the garage off in the corners and hanging around the garage, These same men have been seen in the stairways and hallways. They do not live here! Obviously!!!
3. I was informed by a complete stranger and again a man dressed in gang style close of the secret code to gain entrance into our building. A code the according to the staff here, not even they have the privilage of knowing, The code by the way is (Note: I removed it from this petition for safety reasons) Door opens right up.
4. Reports by other tenants of drug sells all hours of the day. I myself have witnessed marijuana being smoked and sold in the open. In the hallways, garage, and by the pool.
5. On 6-10-08 I called the Police and spoke to dispatch regarding strange people in the garage. When I asked them to leave I got told to go F--- myself and who the F--- was I!
6. 6-12-08 Police were called to a neighboring apartment and had to kick down the door for a domestic violence problem late at night.
7. A continuous smell of Marijuana coming into our apartment. This is everyday, 24/7.
8. Loud, thumping music at 2, 3, 4 o’clock in the morning.
9. Reports of vandalism and car theft on more than one occasion down in the parking garage.
10. Last week there was a used condom and an obviously used tampon in the stair way that leads to How’s Market.
11. 6-20-08 I took a picture today of yet ANOTHER bloody napkin and used condom wrapper in the stairway.
12. Spoke with Mary O’Rourke (Legacy Part.) in regards to all these issues today 6-20-08
13. 6-25-08 came home and found dead and rotting chicken parts in shopping cart in my hallway.
14. Met with Officer Cantalano on 6-23-08 in all regards, AS DID many neighbors.
15. 6-24-08 saw an Attorney taking photos of the garage, cars, trash, and other stuff down in P1 parking
16. –30-08 Weddington side stairway door that leads outside disabled by tape. Fixed open. I called building emergency number. Doors continue to be fixed not to lock…
17. 7-26-08 (Sat) suspicious person running down the hall on the 4th floor with a ski mask on holding a crow bar.
18. 7-27-08 returned home from vac. To find out that 5 cars down in our resident parking area had all 4 tires and rims stolen. These were BMW’s and Mercedes.
19. A used condom and wrapper found in the parking garage AGAIN, Photo taken… 7-27-08

My girl comes home late at night and carries large sums of cash at times. She is afraid to come home. She is afraid to walk from the garage to our apartment. Afraid to come home!!! I work in Executive Protection at times and have had to go down to escort her to our apartment because of this situation. This is no way for us or any of us to live. Had we known all this before moving in here, we would have definitely not made the move. Had we not have invested so much in our apartment with adding the second floor, we would move! We pay to much money to live here to have to deal with this crap! You need to hire security for the building! The NoHo bike patrol works outside our building and they are not armed. We rent from you and it is your job to keep us safe. This is a huge problem that you need to fix! Sooner or later someone here is going to be seriously hurt or God forbid worse even killed. I have contacted Officer Cantalano with these issues and will continue to go higher in the ranks through the city, police, and your company until something is done. This area used to be huge gang activity, especially the Weddington side. We need your help to make our home a safe one! Please take care of this! UNEXCEPTABLE!



I walk into the chandler entrance today at roughly 1730 (5:30 PM). The gentleman repairing the elevator and I start a conversation. I ask him when he was called to come repair the elevator, because of some security issues we have been having, as well as it being down for several weeks. He proceeds to tell me what happened just a little earlier this afternoon right outside the entrance. Two uniformed policemen were chasing a man. He picks up the officers and begins pursuit. Two security officers on bicycles go a different way to cut him off. They catch him blocks away and a fistfight ensues…

Now back to the elevator. He told me that he’s suggesting to management replacing the elevator. The one’s we have are Japanese made and have overly complex moving parts. They will be problematic because of that. New elevators range from $10,000 to $12,000. He didn’t mention when the call came in, but did mention it not making sense paying him several hundred dollars and hour for several hours to replace a part that takes five minutes to swap out.

With that said, I would like to know why the elevator on the left bank on the Chandler Boulevard side was out for several weeks. Shame on you once again, Lofts at Noho Commons. See photos below.

I have some more photos of propped doors open, trash (both of which was phoned into the office hours earlier and have not yet been addressed at time of this posting), dog feces by the pool, just outside of the gym, and of course two more shopping carts.

In all fairness, I do commend everyone on making an additional effort on cleanliness for the complex. Thank you. Although there is a long plastic piece of furniture sticking out of the trash shoot on the fourth floor on its second day now… The effort is being noticed. I in no way wish to become a hall monitor. But from me walking to my car, and back, as well as stepping out to get something to eat down the block I see all of these things. The security issue still needs to be addressed. What’s going on? We as a community need to know exactly what is being proposed, and in writing. Since security is our number one concern, although welcome, the cleaning should remain at this pace, and should have always been at this pace. This is by far secondary, and to me looks like another distraction to a simple solution yet again not addressed. Again thank you, but there was a letter promised yesterday or today for the residents to review which at now 1830 (6:30 PM) has yet to have arrived.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



"For $2,000 a month we expected to be treated with respect and dignity and our car was robbed and I'm afraid to be in the building at night. We're breaking our lease." That's one of many comments left on an online petition aimed at getting the Lofts at Noho Commons, that rental building in North Hollywood, to increase security. Notably, there was a recent incident in which a "masked male with a crowbar ran through the building," according to one resident. "This was less than 24 hours after four high-end vehicles were vandalized and rims were stolen. Women are afraid to leave their homes with the fears of a possible rape or home invasion." Also, there are prostitutes allegedly working in the development. Wow. Sounds like a great place to live. There's also a blog that details all the problems; that's a photo of the car vandalism.

To whom it may concern,

North Hollywood is currently going thru many changes by business owners
and developers, hoping to solidify a strong and safe community. One
property stands out, The Lofts at Noho Commons. It is a beautiful
property, centrally located in the Noho Arts District, across the
street from the Metro Station on Lankershim Boulevard. Even through the
architecture sets a tone more of a resort than that of a family based
residence. There is a hidden story developing here. Under the facade of
the modern design and amenities, there is a story of dangers
developing. Due to numerous requests by the residents for security
directly to the owner(s) at Redwood Partners, Inc. and the management
company Legacy Partners, assaults, theft and vandalism run rampant with
no resolve. The general consensus is focused on the well being of the
children and families that reside here, as well as to deter the
inevitability of more violence, further property loss and death.

I ask for you to take a moment to view a petition explaining in greater
detail, along with the comments made by residents demanding change.
There is also a blog posting photographs of conditions that the owners
refuse to acknowledge.

The North Hollywood Community Police Station regularly sends officers
on calls here, most recently regarding a masked male with a crowbar,
running within the building’s interior on two of the floors. This was
less than 24 hours after four high-end vehicles were vandalized and
rims were stolen. Women are afraid to leave their homes with the fears
of a possible rape or home invasion. Stairwells are not secured with
locks that work properly, or are forced open. Elevators don’t function
for weeks at a time. Lights go off for days at a time that cover one
half or another of the whole complex. Parts of the complex are over run
by trash and filth, which must be violations of health and fire
regulations. The sight and smell of urine and feces are found
throughout the common areas. Drug dealers and prostitutes live and
“work” here, and in the stairwells. And yet nothing happens. This is a
very upscale community, which many of its residents demand discretion
from their high-visibility and high profile professional lives. All of
which have voiced and demanded action with no resolve.

We ask that you consider looking into our situation. There is
documentation of events by some of the residents, as well as some
officers from LAPD, including Captain Sharyn, I. Buck, Area Commanding
Officer, of the North Hollywood Community Police Station.


Today was an interesting day. I noticed the trash room closest to my apartment was clear of most debris, and I saw two of the staff in the parking garage clearing out the large area that had all of the empty boxes near the Weddington Street elevators. This was a welcome sight to see. Thank you.

Then one of the other residents and I had a walk through with representatives of a security company that may be coming on board. We showed them the whole complex including the roof. One of the hatches was open as seen in one of the photos below, and then was closed. Previously, that hatch has been open since I first moved here eight months ago. We all arrived at the office for a meeting the security company had scheduled with Octavio. The other resident and I left, and they continued on. As of now, one of the Officers is making his rounds and taking a sight survey. He told me he would be onsite until 0300 Wednesday morning, when his replacement will continue.

This is a good start. I am still adamant about us having a minimum of four onsite at all times. The owner of the security company agrees, as well as the other law enforcement officers I have spoken to.

I also found out the story of the masked man. It turns out he was one of our residents. I have heard he had a crowbar, a bow and arrow, and some other thing I’m not clear on. The reason LAPD never found him, he just walked into his home. Apparently he was not attempting a break in, or any other kind of violent act. The woman’s apartment believed to have had the attempted break in was never empty. She has been sick and bed ridden the whole weekend, very surprised of the news. Regardless of what his motivation was, in my opinion, this event was still the impetus to cause some positive action from the management.

With that said, I urge all of the residents to continue being vigilant about their safety and their awareness of their surroundings. Please encourage your neighbors to read and sign the petition, because it affects them as well. And I hope that whatever the management company offers us, we do not settle for anything less than what is proposed here. This complex is by far too large for one or two officers. Think of it this way. Whenever you watch a western film, you notice there always was a Sheriff, and five or six, if not more deputies, (sans the posse…) present. The towns of that time had roughly the same amount of residents as we do here at The Lofts at Noho Commons. It made sense to them, why shouldn’t it make sense to us? I am confident the security company will suggest what we proposed in our petition. Let’s make sure that anything less is not acceptable.

Everyone, thank you very much. I will keep you updated as I can of the events at The Lofts of Noho Commons.

Lofts At NoHo Commons Has Some Security Problems

Lofts At NoHo Commons Has Some Security Problems
Tuesday, July 29, 2008, by Dakota

"For $2,000 a month we expected to be treated with respect and dignity and our car was robbed and I'm afraid to be in the building at night. We're breaking our lease." That's one of many comments left on an online petition aimed at getting the Lofts at Noho Commons, that rental building in North Hollywood, to increase security. Notably, there was a recent incident in which a "masked male with a crowbar ran through the building," according to one resident. "This was less than 24 hours after four high-end vehicles were vandalized and rims were stolen. Women are afraid to leave their homes with the fears of a possible rape or home invasion." Also, there are prostitutes allegedly working in the development. Wow. Sounds like a great place to live. There's also a blog that details all the problems; that's a photo of the car vandalism.


Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:09 pm
To whom it may concern,

North Hollywood is currently going thru many changes by business owners and developers, hoping to solidify a strong and safe community. One property stands out, The Lofts at Noho Commons. It is a beautiful property, centrally located in the Noho Arts District, across the street from the Metro Station on Lankershim Boulevard. Even through the architecture sets a tone more of a resort than that of a family based residence. There is a hidden story developing here. Under the facade of the modern design and amenities, there is a story of dangers developing. Due to numerous requests by the residents for security directly to the owner(s) at Redwood Partners, Inc. and the management company Legacy Partners, assaults, theft and vandalism run rampant with no resolve. The general consensus is focused on the well being of the children and families that reside here, as well as to deter the inevitability of more violence, further property loss and death.

I ask for you to take a moment to view a petition explaining in greater detail, along with the comments made by residents demanding change. There is also a blog posting photographs of conditions that the owners refuse to acknowledge.

The North Hollywood Community Police Station regularly sends officers on calls here, most recently regarding a masked male with a crowbar, running within the building’s interior on two of the floors. This was less than 24 hours after four high-end vehicles were vandalized and rims were stolen. Women are afraid to leave their homes with the fears of a possible rape or home invasion. Stairwells are not secured with locks that work properly, or are forced open. Elevators don’t function for weeks at a time. Lights go off for days at a time that cover one half or another of the whole complex. Parts of the complex are over run by trash and filth, which must be violations of health and fire regulations. The sight and smell of urine and feces are found throughout the common areas. Drug dealers and prostitutes live and “work” here, and in the stairwells. And yet nothing happens. This is a very upscale community, which many of its residents demand discretion from their high-visibility and high profile professional lives. All of which have voiced and demanded action with no resolve.

We ask that you consider looking into our situation. There is documentation of events by some of the residents, as well as some officers from LAPD, including Captain Sharyn, I. Buck, Area Commanding Officer, of the North Hollywood Community Police Station.

At this time, I would like to withhold my name, but I would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Joined: 29 Jul 2008
Posts: 3

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:05 am

August 1, 2008

TO: Scott McCarter, Redwood Partners, Inc.
Scott Morrison, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Mary O'Rourke, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Octavio Sanchez, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.

FROM: Families residing at The Lofts at Noho Commons

As per testimony by the residents of numerous complaints to the leasing staff, at The Lofts of Noho Commons, at 11136 Chandler Boulevard, North Hollywood, California 91601, currently under the supervision of Octavio Sanchez, regarding security, maintenance, and health and cleanliness issues, you and your staff have had knowledge of resident dissatisfaction since the introduction of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. There has been a steady decline in all areas. In all fairness to your staff, we understand there has been some level of dissatisfaction regarding these same issues under Jodie Piccinino, while she was the community manager representing Alliance Residential Company.

Upon review of your letter posted on August 1, 2008, the obvious question one may ask, "why weren't the facts collected of the criminal activity at The Lofts of Noho Commons asked the day of the armed robbery in the parking structure months ago?" With that said, your staff has leased apartments to known drug dealers and prostitutes prior to that incident, which is common knowledge of the families residing here. In addition, numerous vehicles have been vandalized or stolen prior to the robbery, which due to the two cameras in the parking structure, provide limited coverage and to my understanding have not been useful to LAPD to provide any significant evidence of the crime occurring. The single camera in each of the stairwells only provides coverage of the street level doorways. Locks of the street level doors are often broken, propped open with rocks, or tape, as well as on different levels for weeks at a time. Lights in the common areas within the property are often dark, as well as insufficient lighting is available in the common areas outside 11135 Weddington Street, making it easy for predators to wait upon their next victims. The video feeds from the "working" cameras all go to Octavio Sanchez's office, not to a 24-HOUR ONSITE SECURITY OFFICER. The alarms on both doorways to the roof do not sound when opened, which is a fire violation, as well as the pile of boxes in the parking structure that have only recently been discarded. The electronic entry system at each entry point does not work with any consistency, as well has a "backdoor" access code one can use to gain entry the office staff denies exists. In addition, there will be more photos posted on the blog found online at of all of the common areas of The Lofts at Noho Commons in the next day or two, along with visual proof of when the photographs were taken. These photos will illustrate the size and scope of the property, as well as the lack of coverage of cameras, as well as to illustrate the problems with the lights in the common areas, and some of the other security issues described above.

The introduction of one patrolling officer between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM is very much welcome, is far from inadequate to provide protection to the families and children residing in the 292 rental units, as well as the businesses of the 14 live/work units located on 11135 Weddington Street. With the sheer size of this property, and the number of families residing here, it is literally a city, and needs to have a law enforcement presence of one.

In addition, with the park due for construction across the street, next to The Gallery at Noho Commons, at 5416 Fair Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91601, as well as Phase 3, which includes the seven-screen Laemmle Theaters scheduled for construction on Weddington Street, The Lofts at Noho Commons literally will be in the center of an area which by design will help with the illusion of gentrification, while the neighborhood still deals with the issues of gang activity.

At a news conference on November 21st, 2006, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, City Councilman Tom LaBonge and County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky hailed the opening of J.H. Snyder Co.’s The Lofts at NoHo Commons for spurring the revitalization of North Hollywood.

“The NoHo Arts District is a unique and special place in Los Angeles,” said Mayor Villaraigosa. “The NoHo Commons not only embraces the unique character of the neighborhood, but it's a smart, transit-friendly development where an artist, a teacher or a firefighter can live and enjoy all that the community has to offer.”

I agree with Mayor Villaraigosa's sentiment, as well as many of our residents do as well. If this weren’t the case, all of the families would have relocated, or would never have chosen to make this their domicile. I find it hard to believe that Mr. McCarter and his investors, were ignorant of the history of this neighborhood, and yet never provided information to prospective residents, and families already residing here. You will find the review of the bidding security company will find the basic security measures offered inadequate, and not comply with local and state laws, especially due to the history of the neighborhood, as well as the history of the property. Landlords have a general common law duty to act reasonably under the circumstances or "act with due care" to keep you safe from noncriminal and criminal harm. California Judges have ruled that landlords must take reasonable precautions to protect tenants from foreseeable criminal assaults and property crimes.

The meaning of "reasonable precautions" depends on the situation. In general, if there have been prior incidents of crime on the landlord's property, and particularly if the landlord's lapse in security could have been remedied easily, the chances that the landlord will be responsible go way up. In this case, the thefts and vandalism have been happening for some time, and should have been addressed. Now with the introduction to violent crime, the landlord should have had a full security presence months ago.

We welcome the roaming officer while things are being worked out. But just has it always been illustrated by the lack of action by management, no contact information for the officer, nor the protocol for the residents on how to contact that officer has been provided. In addition, the single officer is also at risk because of not having any kind of immediate support in case of direct or indirect cause of action by any potential criminal activity.

Scott, please act quickly and appropriately. We have the lives of families and children at stake. We will be open to any positive dialogue that may offer a positive solution for everyone involved. However, there cannot be a compromise on the strength of the security presence. This is unacceptable.

With that said, please take the time to look at the petition that can be found online at and the signatures found at . There is also a blog posted offering additional information and photographs online at . These are not meant to be slanderous, but offered as tools to provide information for the residents to remain vigilant, as well as to help you locate some of the real problems the management team has been incompetent to rectify.

At this time, I will strongly suggest to fellow residents the solidification of a tenant association or committee. This committee will have the power to act as a unified entity to oversee the living conditions of this residency. We would work together with the management company to raise and maintain the general quality of our living experience at The Lofts at Noho Commons. This will cover all facets of The Lofts at Noho Commons. I also suggest to the residents to prepare, collect and have readily available, all relevant information, including documentation of any criminal activity known to you, including police reports if available, photographs, and any other documentation needed to solidify our position. If possible, please post relevant information onto our blog so that there is a public record of it. I ask the residents and I meet prior to your proposed meeting. Please give suggestions on time and place on the blog at .

I look forward to meeting with Mr. McCarter, and the representatives of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. on August 6, 2008. Let us hope that we can find an amicable solution to the ever-increasing criminal activities, and THE CONSEQUENCES EVERYONE WILL BE EFFECTED BY.


Joined: 29 Jul 2008
Posts: 3

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:06 am

August 4, 2008

Scott McCarter, Redwood Partners, Inc.
Scott Morrison, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Mary O'Rourke, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.
Octavio Sanchez, Legacy Partners Residential, Inc.

Families residing at The Lofts at Noho Commons

I have taken over 1500 photos with visual proof of dates and times Thursday July 31, 2008 through Friday August 1, 2008 to document the state of The Lofts at Noho Commons. They can be found online at I was specifically looking for cameras, and lack thereof, and found very limited camera coverage, broken locks on the street level and stairwells, electronic devices not working properly to gain entry into the building, lights not working in some common areas, trash, and dog feces and urine, (not to mention I was stuck in the elevator to the left in the Chandler Boulevard elevator bank once again). I will post more as time is allotted, including those of a used condom and tampon in a stairwell a resident showed me on his cell phone, as well as a photo I found posted online at of blood inside one of the elevators by another resident. Her caption reads, “We saw this moving into our new apartment at the Lofts at the NoHo Commons. I had just left the elevator 5 minutes before, so someone must have just left with a bloody nose or something.” The photo was uploaded on December 18, 2007.

Regardless of what is seen in these photos, I ask Scott McCarter, of Redwood Partners, Inc., Scott Morrison, Mary O'Rourke, and Octavio Sanchez, of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. to please take some time to review what is seen here. This is meant to provide information regarding the state of this residency. Please view this as a tool, and use it as such to help identify the security and the hygiene issues we are living with.

I am happy to say that some of these issues have been addressed since the photos were taken. Thank you, but feel they still need to be available for scrutiny, because all of the problems illustrated on these pages are either reoccurring on almost a daily basis, or have never been addressed. One security guard is very much welcome, but not enough. There are no mirrors anywhere, which could help families be aware of possible predators standing just out of the line of sight around a corner. The locks in the stairwells are a constant issue. The one for the fourth floor Northwest doorway has not locked for several weeks. It is a matter of time before the residents begin submitting written complaints to the health department, and soliciting environmental hygienists.

Please go to

I look forward to meeting with Mr. McCarter, and the representatives of Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. on August 6, 2008. Thank you once again.

Monday, July 28, 2008


To whom it may concern,

North Hollywood is currently going thru many changes by business owners and developers, hoping to solidify a strong and safe community. One property stands out, The Lofts at Noho Commons. It is a beautiful property, centrally located in the Noho Arts District, across the street from the Metro Station on Lankershim Boulevard. Even through the architecture sets a tone more of a resort than that of a family based residence. There is a hidden story developing here. Under the facade of the modern design and amenities, there is a story of dangers developing. Due to numerous requests by the residents for security directly to the owner(s) at Redwood Partners, Inc. and the management company Legacy Partners, assaults, theft and vandalism run rampant with no resolve. The general consensus is focused on the well being of the children and families that reside here, as well as to deter the inevitability of more violence, further property loss and death.

I ask for you to take a moment to view a petition explaining in greater detail, along with the comments made by residents demanding change. There is also a blog posting photographs of conditions that the owners refuse to acknowledge.

The North Hollywood Community Police Station regularly sends officers on calls here, most recently regarding a masked male with a crowbar, running within the building’s interior on two of the floors. This was less than 24 hours after four high-end vehicles were vandalized and rims were stolen. Women are afraid to leave their homes with the fears of a possible rape or home invasion. Stairwells are not secured with locks that work properly, or are forced open. Elevators don’t function for weeks at a time. Lights go off for days at a time that cover one half or another of the whole complex. Parts of the complex are over run by trash and filth, which must be violations of health and fire regulations. The sight and smell of urine and feces are found throughout the common areas. Drug dealers and prostitutes live and “work” here, and in the stairwells. And yet nothing happens. This is a very upscale community, which many of its residents demand discretion from their high-visibility and high profile professional lives. All of which have voiced and demanded action with no resolve.

We ask that you consider looking into our situation. There is documentation of events by some of the residents, as well as some officers from LAPD, including Captain Sharyn, I. Buck, Area Commanding Officer, of the North Hollywood Community Police Station.