Saturday, September 6, 2008

North Hollywood Division Goals

LAPD-North Hollywood Division Goals

Policing Philosophy and Goals for North Hollywood Community

North Hollywood Community Police Station is committed to serving the community while protecting the rights of all persons. Consistent with this commitment, the Vision, Motto, and Core Values are actively embraced and utilized for decision making.

The North Hollywood Area of the Los Angeles Police Department is committed to bringing the Department’s Vision to life. It is the Vision of the Los Angeles Police Department to, as closely as possible, achieve a City free from crime and public disorder. To accomplish this, North Hollywood embraces the motto of "To Protect and To Serve."

The motto, "To Protect and To Serve," states the essential purpose of the Los Angeles Police Department. North Hollywood protects the right of all persons within its jurisdiction to be free from criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions, and to live in peace. The Department serves the people by performing the law enforcement function in a professional manner, and it is to these people that the Department and each employee working out of North Hollywood is ultimately responsible.

The Core Values are the quintessential components of our Philosophy. They are: Service to our Communities, Reverence for the Law, Commitment to Leadership, Integrity in all We Say and Do, Respect for People, and Quality Through Continuous Improvement.

It is expected that faithful adherence to these ideals and the Department Core Values will result in a distinct amelioration of crime and blight; and will reduce the incidence and fear of violent crime.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Crime Problems at Lofts at NoHo Commons Continue


Crime Problems at Lofts at NoHo Commons Continue

At least one disgruntled resident is not happy with the continued reported lack of security at the Lofts at NoHo Commons, which is next to the North Hollywood Metro Red Line station. The anonymously written blog (so take that for what it's worth) reports of stolen car parts, an armed robbery, a drug dealer and a prostitution ring. It also paints a not so cheery picture for the general experience there: "lights are off throughout the residence. The hallways are pitch-black for at least an hour and a half daily. Locks in the stairwells seem to be broken with some regularity." Who knew transit oriented mixed-use living starting at $1565 a month was so grand.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008



I write this as an anonymous resident for fear of any kind retaliatory attack from either the property owner, Scott McCarter of Redwood Partners, Inc. and his counsel, the management staff from Legacy Partners, Inc., or from any of the residents who left threats on the petition.

I for one agree with the petition of a twenty-four hour, four man security presence 100%. It is simply irresponsible for any kind of a property this size to not have at least that. I am a television producer working the assignment desk at one of the news bureaus. I see everyday what the potential of a neglected security presence can do. I know the history of gang violence on this neighborhood and this very block just a few years ago. Between the one security guard roaming around at his set hours, and nothing else present, it is a matter of time before something else happens here. It disgusts me to still see that white BMW sitting on the cinder blocks after all of these weeks.

I applaud LAPD for catching the individuals responsible. I’m grateful for the removal of the drug dealer and those involved in the prostitution ring. And the thought of seeing the used condom in the stairwell is simply uncalled for. But I ask, what about the woman who had her motorcycle stolen? What about the individuals who had their cars broken into? Let us not forget the poor woman who was held up at gunpoint a few months ago. What about her?

I work late hours and missed the meeting called by Mr. McCarter, but wished I were able to attend. I was told what transpired from some of the residents, and have seen some general improvements on the property. But my number one concern remains security. I am afraid. Lights are off throughout the residence. The hallways are pitch-black for at least an hour and a half daily. Locks in the stairwells seem to be broken with some regularity. I can break my lease, but that defeats the purpose of moving in to begin with. Many of the other families have members also in media. I don’t know how this level of neglect can occur, with the knowledge that more than two-thirds of the residents can make this very public very quickly. There are several celebrities that are our neighbors that moved in, in part because of the level of discretion we all have with one another. Imaging if one of their children or family members are hurt or killed. Every news agency will be on site. A class-action suit very much under public scrutiny will be front-page news over night. I personally will assign the one from this network without any kind of hesitation. I will then contact Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Councilman Tom LaBonge personally.

So, the question that needs to be asked to the powers that be; “Will there be an appropriate 24-hour security presence soon enough, or will The Lofts at Noho Commons become another victim of a very much avoidable ticking time bomb?” I ask the question, as well as most of the families that reside here. Please don’t let a political intervention, or loss of life be the impetus to what ONE may perceive a Judge may consider “adequate.”
