Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today was an interesting day. I noticed the trash room closest to my apartment was clear of most debris, and I saw two of the staff in the parking garage clearing out the large area that had all of the empty boxes near the Weddington Street elevators. This was a welcome sight to see. Thank you.

Then one of the other residents and I had a walk through with representatives of a security company that may be coming on board. We showed them the whole complex including the roof. One of the hatches was open as seen in one of the photos below, and then was closed. Previously, that hatch has been open since I first moved here eight months ago. We all arrived at the office for a meeting the security company had scheduled with Octavio. The other resident and I left, and they continued on. As of now, one of the Officers is making his rounds and taking a sight survey. He told me he would be onsite until 0300 Wednesday morning, when his replacement will continue.

This is a good start. I am still adamant about us having a minimum of four onsite at all times. The owner of the security company agrees, as well as the other law enforcement officers I have spoken to.

I also found out the story of the masked man. It turns out he was one of our residents. I have heard he had a crowbar, a bow and arrow, and some other thing I’m not clear on. The reason LAPD never found him, he just walked into his home. Apparently he was not attempting a break in, or any other kind of violent act. The woman’s apartment believed to have had the attempted break in was never empty. She has been sick and bed ridden the whole weekend, very surprised of the news. Regardless of what his motivation was, in my opinion, this event was still the impetus to cause some positive action from the management.

With that said, I urge all of the residents to continue being vigilant about their safety and their awareness of their surroundings. Please encourage your neighbors to read and sign the petition, because it affects them as well. And I hope that whatever the management company offers us, we do not settle for anything less than what is proposed here. This complex is by far too large for one or two officers. Think of it this way. Whenever you watch a western film, you notice there always was a Sheriff, and five or six, if not more deputies, (sans the posse…) present. The towns of that time had roughly the same amount of residents as we do here at The Lofts at Noho Commons. It made sense to them, why shouldn’t it make sense to us? I am confident the security company will suggest what we proposed in our petition. Let’s make sure that anything less is not acceptable.

Everyone, thank you very much. I will keep you updated as I can of the events at The Lofts of Noho Commons.

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