The building has had multiple inspectors come within the past week. The Los Angeles Housing Department were in and out of my unit very quickly. At least in my case, one of them asked me if I had any problems with the unit. He walked into the bathroom, took a quick look, and was out. He didn't notice the ants that are in my bathroom. An inspector was onsite from The Los Angeles Department of Traffic as well.
I haven't had any major issues with this unit. However, I was asked 2 days ago to photograph a water damaged bathroom cabinet of one of our neighbors. He has been having serious issues with mold. The particle board was expanded obviously due to water. He believes a wall has to be removed in the bathroom and the cabinet removed. He also has been complaining of respiratory issues for several months. Currently he is running 2 air purifiers in his unit. I run my HEPA filter when I am home, and have been since I moved into this unit months ago. I used to live in another unit on my floor, and became very ill one day. I was able to move into another unit immediately without any problems. I suggested to management an environmental hygienist come and check the air quality of that unit. Three days after my moving, I saw someone being shown my old apartment.
Photo taken after he discarded mold covered contents and cleaned off what was visible. - Photos Taken September 29, 2008
A non-resident kept ringing my doorbell at 12:09pm today. He looked very shady - I called the security. They saw him outside minutes after, but then he went into Panera and then took off. This also happened 3 weeks ago at 11:30pm at night with a different guy. We do not answer the door and this freaks me out.
I have heard similar accounts from different residents since before I moved in. I knew some of the first residents, which voiced the same occurrences and fears.
Without hesitation, please call the Courtesy Patrol Officer on duty at 818-939-7082. If this a reoccurring occurrence, or feel this may be a life threatening situation, please call the Los Angeles Police Department, North Hollywood Division at 818-623-4016, or 911 if it is an emergency.
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