Construction projects: ranked by project cost.
THE Business Journal expanded its list of construction projects to 50 this year. All projects listed have a construction value of at least $100 million excluding soft costs, such as architect fees.
Hospital projects remain some of the biggest projects on the list and many large facilities are to be completed in the next 12 months.
Ronald Reagan Hospital at UCLA should complete construction within the next 60 days, LAC+USC Medical Center will finish its 600-bed inpatient tower by the end of the year and Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center may also finish construction in 2008. Hospitals have been required to renovate or build new buildings to meet seismic requirements that were passed following the Northridge Earthquake.
A number of large projects on last year's list completed construction including some major retail and office properties. Westfield Topanga completed its redevelopment and expansion, adding 250 shops, restaurants and other amenities at a cost of $330 million. The 2000 Avenue of the Stars office building in Century City finished construction at a cost of $300 million and tenants have been moving in since January. Del Amo Fashion Center opened its lifestyle wing late last year at a cost of $180 million.
Other completed projects include David Murdock's Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village, which cost $250 million to build and includes a hotel, conference center and television studio. NoHo Commons in North Hollywood finished the first phase of construction valued at $180 million
THE Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority's six-mile $869 million project connecting Union Station and East Los Angeles is more than halfway complete.
Construction began in July 2004 and is set for completion by December 2009, although the project is already moving into its later stages. Tracks are being laid along the alignment from Alameda and First streets to Atlantic and Pomona. As soon as the track is laid, the project can start testing the rail cars. Eight stops planned along the route.
The project is on schedule and one of the safest construction sites in the area, with no accidents so far.
All along the route, developers have been moving forward with residential and retail projects. City planners had hoped that would happen when they implemented the public transit plan.
Overall, the Metro Rail system will expand to serve 70 stations throughout the county when the project is completed.
Project Construction
* name Cost
Rank * location (millions) Description
1 Eastside Extension of $868.8 six-mile light rail
the Metro Gold Line extension of Metro
Union Station to East GoldLine with eight
Los Angeles Los Angeles stations from Union
County Station to East Los
2 Expo Light Rail Line 640 8.6-mile light rail
Phase I with eight new stations
Downtown Los Angeles to
Culver City Los Angeles
3 JW Marriott/The Ritz 600 54-story, 1,001-room,
Carlton/The Ritz 224 luxury condominium
Carlton Residences tower at L.A. Live
L.A. Live
Los Angeles 90015
4 Kaiser Permanente Los 600 400-bed state-of-the-
Angeles Medical Center art replacement
4867 Sunset Blvd. hospital, new medical
Los Angeles 90027 office building,
central plant
5 LAC+USC Medical Center 597.4 600-bed inpatient
Replacement tower, diagnostic and
1849 Marengo St. treatment facility,
Los Angeles 90033 outpatient tower,
central plant and site
6 LAX Tom Bradley 575.6 modernization and
International Terminal addition including
1 World Way replacement of the
Los Angeles 90045 baggage handling
system, all signage,
7 Ronald Reagan UCLA 465 520-bed replacement
Hospital hospital
750 Westwood Blvd.
Los Angeles 90095
8 Childrens Hospital 414 hospital building
Los Angeles
4650 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90027
9 Kaiser Downey Medical 349.9 six story patient tower
Center Replacement with a three story
Hospital diagnostic treatment
93018 Imperial Highway center
Downey 90242
10 LAX South Airfield 333 LAX south runway
One World Way relocation and taxiway
Los Angeles 90041 improvements
11 Concerto 300 619 luxury condomi-
Ninth and Figueroa niums units with
Los Angeles 90015 25,000 square-feet of
retail, 1 acre urban
park, spa and
12 The Century 300 42-story condominium
Avenue of the Stars tower, 147 units,
Century City 90067 restaurant, parking,
pools, spa, library,
screening room,
business center
13 Santa Monica UCLA 300 271-bed replacement
Medical Center & hospital, new central
Orthopaedic Hospital plant and four wings,
1344 16th St. renovation to existing
Santa Monica 90404 wing, parking struc-
ture, demolition of
nine-story hospital
14 The Americana at Brand 291.2 mixed-use, retail/
Brand Blvd., Central residential develop-
Ave. and Colorado St. ment, 430,000 square-
Glendale 91202 feet retail, 100
condominium homes, 238
15 Horizon at Playa Vista 280 urban office campus
Bluff Creek Drive and development
Campus Center
Playa Vista 90094
16 Terranea Resort 275 102 oceanfront acres
6610 Palos Verdes Drive with 582-room hotel,
South Rancho Palos villas, casitas, and
Verdes 90275 bungalows, restaurants
and bars, golf course
17 JMB Condo Towers 250.0 (1) twin 47-story towers
Century City with 483 condominium
Constellation Blvd. units
Century City
18 Montage Hotel Beverly 240 hotel, condos, spa,
Hills public gardens, parking
Wilshire Blvd. garage and commercial
Beverly Hills 90210 building
19 Police Headquarters 231.4 16-story police headq-
Facility uarters building, 450-
1st St. and Spring St. seat auditorium, cafe,
Los Angeles 90012 parking garage
20 Luma Evo 226 residential, commercial
11th and Grand Ave. and parking development
Los Angles 90015
21 Symantec Corp. Office 215 two four-story
Campus buildings and a six-
800-900 Corporate level subterranean
Pointe Culver City structured parking
90230 garage
22 W Hollywood Hotel and 210 11-story hotel and
Residences 14-story condominium
Hollywood and Vine tower, 300 guest rooms
Hollywood 90028 and 144 condo units
23 California Veterans 183.6 veteran's home
800 S. Bingham Ave.
Los Angeles 90049
24 New White Memorial 183 167-bed patient care
Medical Center tower
1720 E. Cesar E. Chavez
Ave. Los Angeles 90033
25 Palazzo Westwood 175 luxury apartments,
Village retail
1073 Glendon Ave.
Westwood 90024
26 Vue 174 16-story, 318 unit
255 Fifth St. waterfront building
San Pedro with rooftop sky deck,
lounge, and fitness
27 Central High School 171.9 performing arts high
No. 9 school
450 N. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles 90012
28 LNR Warner Center 167.4 35-acre campus with
21255 Burbank Blvd. seven mid-rise office
Woodland Hills 91367 buildings and three
five-level parking
29 The Pointe 167 14-story, class A
2900 W. Alameda Ave. office building
Burbank 91505
30 I-405 High Occupancy 167 3.6-mile high occupancy
Vehicle Lane vehicle lane construc-
Route 90 to I-10 tion on I-405 from
Los Angeles County Route 90 to I-10
31 Central Los Angeles 163.5 seven small learning
High School No. 11 communities
1200 W. Colton St.
Los Angeles 90012
32 Red Building 160 class A office project
8687 Melrose Ave.
West Hollywood 90069
33 Kaiser Panorama City 153.4 218-bed hospital,
Medical Center Hospital central utility plan
Replacement & Central
13652 Cantara St.
Panorama City 91402
34 Hollywood & Vine 150 375 apartment units,
Apartments retail space, restau-
Hollywood Blvd. and rant, bar, spa, fit-
Vine St. Hollywood ness center, parking
35 St. John's Health 149.8 diagnostic and treat-
Center Keck Diagnostic ment center, four-story
and Treatment Center atrium, operating rooms
Step 2A & 2B for heart and orthope-
1301 22nd St. dics, cath labs,
Santa Monica 90404 imaging department and
site work
36 Palmdale Regional 138 171-bed hospital,
Medical Center emergency room facili-
N/A ties, ICU unit,
Palmdale operating rooms,
37 Eastside High School 136.4 comprehensive 9-12
3200 E. J-8 grade high school
Lancaster 93535
38 LACMA Phase I 132 65,000 square-feet
5905 Wilshire Blvd. gallery space,
Los Angeles 90036 entrance, underground
parking and
39 Huntington Memorial 127.7 seven story tower addi-
Hospital West Tower tion with utility
100 W. California tunnel for tie-in to
Pasadena 91109 Central Plant and
associated site work
40 Life Sciences 122.9 wet and dry research
Replacement Building labs and related space
41 Pasadena Convention 122 renovation and expan-
Center sion of the facilities
128 S. Morengo Ave. located at Pasadena
Pasadena 91101 Civic Auditorium
42 NoHo Commons, Phases 117.3 six story office
II and III building, multiplex
5300 Lankershim Blvd. cinema, neighborhood
North Hollywood 91601 retail center with
underground and above
ground parking
43 East Valley Middle 116.8 1,809 seat middle
School No. 1 school
6501 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
North Hollywood 91601
44 Solair Wilshire 108 186-unit condominium
3785 Wilshire Blvd. high-rise, restaurant/
Los Angeles 90010 retail space, parking
45 LA Live Buildings 105 two core and shell
A & B entertainment buildings
N/A of multi-use space
Los Angeles 90015
46 Miller Children's 104 four-story patient
Hospital tower, central utility
2801 Atlantic Ave. plant and site work
Long Beach 90801 improvements
47 717 Ninth Street 100 214 loft-style units,
717 W. Ninth St. approximately 6,800
Los Angeles 90021 square-feet of ground
floor retail space
48 Plaza Tower 100 in-patient surgery
Presbyterian Inter- department, imaging
community Hospital department, critical
Whittier 90602 care and additional
medical/surgical beds
49 California Science 100 science museum exhi-
Center Phase II bits, administrative
700 State Drive office space and
Los Angeles 90037 back-of-house support
50 Sony--Culver Office 100 two office buildings
Project and a 1,011-car parking
Sony Picture structure
Entertainment Lot
Culver City 90232
* start date
* completion
Project date Planners
* name * square * owner
Rank * location footage * architect
1 Eastside Extension of July 2004 L.A. County
the Metro Gold Line December 2009 Metropolitan
Union Station to East N/A Transportation
Los Angeles Los Angeles Authority
County N/A
2 Expo Light Rail Line October 2006 Los Angeles County
Phase I 2010 Metropolitan
Downtown Los Angeles to N/A Transit Authority
Culver City Los Angeles N/A
3 JW Marriott/The Ritz June 2007 AEG
Carlton/The Ritz Winter 2010 Gensler
Carlton Residences 2,000,000
L.A. Live
Los Angeles 90015
4 Kaiser Permanente Los March 2001 Kaiser Foundation
Angeles Medical Center 2008 Hospitals Inc.
4867 Sunset Blvd. 792,000 SmithGroup/Chong
Los Angeles 90027 Partners
5 LAC+USC Medical Center April 2003 Los Angeles County
Replacement December 2007 Hellmuth, Obata +
1849 Marengo St. 1,501,000 Kassabaum Inc./
Los Angeles 90033 Lee Burkhart Liu Inc.
6 LAX Tom Bradley February 2007 Los Angeles World
International Terminal January 2010 Airports
1 World Way 511,000 Leo A. Daly
Los Angeles 90045
7 Ronald Reagan UCLA Winter 2000 UCLA
Hospital Fall 2007 Perkins + Will
750 Westwood Blvd. 1,100,000
Los Angeles 90095
8 Childrens Hospital January 2005 Childrens Hospital
Los Angeles February 2010 Los Angeles
4650 Sunset Blvd. 460,000 Zimmer-Gunsul-Frasca
Los Angeles 90027 Partnership
9 Kaiser Downey Medical May 2006 Kaiser Permanente
Center Replacement March 2009 HMC Architects
Hospital 657,783
93018 Imperial Highway
Downey 90242
10 LAX South Airfield July 2006 Los Angeles World
One World Way June 2008 Airports
Los Angeles 90041 N/A HNTB Architects
11 Concerto May 2006 Astani Enterprises
Ninth and Figueroa May 2009 Inc.
Los Angeles 90015 835,000 De Stefano and
Partners Ltd.
12 The Century 2005 The Related Cos.
Avenue of the Stars 2008 Robert AM Stern/HKS
Century City 90067 712,658 Inc.
13 Santa Monica UCLA March 2000 UCLA
Medical Center & Fall 2009 CO Architects
Orthopaedic Hospital 523,000
1344 16th St.
Santa Monica 90404
14 The Americana at Brand June 2006 Caruso Affiliated
Brand Blvd., Central April 2008 Harley Ellis
Ave. and Colorado St. 850,000 Devereaux
Glendale 91202
15 Horizon at Playa Vista May 2007 Lincoln ASB Playa
Bluff Creek Drive and December 2008 Vista Phase I LLC
Campus Center 950,000 Johnson Fain/HKS Inc.
Playa Vista 90094
16 Terranea Resort May 2007 Lowe Destination
6610 Palos Verdes Drive May 2009 Development
South Rancho Palos 680,000 HKS Hill Glazier
Verdes 90275 Studio/Scheurer
Architects Inc.
17 JMB Condo Towers 2006 JMB Corp.
Century City 2009 N/A
Constellation Blvd. N/A
Century City
18 Montage Hotel Beverly February 2006 BHLH LLC
Hills October 2008 Hill Glazier
Wilshire Blvd. 1,013,000
Beverly Hills 90210
19 Police Headquarters Fall 2006 City of Los Angeles
Facility 2009 DMJM-Roth/Sheppard
1st St. and Spring St. 500,000 Design
Los Angeles 90012
20 Luma Evo June 2005 South Group
11th and Grand Ave. June 2008 Ankrom Moisan
Los Angles 90015 1,098,500 Architects, GBD
TVA Architects
21 Symantec Corp. Office Fall 2005 Symantec Corp. (2)
Campus October 2007 Hellmuth Obata +
800-900 Corporate 550,000 Inc. Kassabaum
Pointe Culver City
22 W Hollywood Hotel and June 2007 HEI Hospitality/
Residences August 2009 Gatehouse Capital
Hollywood and Vine 1,981,000 Corp., Legacy
Hollywood 90028 Partners
HKS Architects
23 California Veterans July 2007 California Deparment
Home December 2009 of Veterans Affairs
800 S. Bingham Ave. 385,000 Smith Group
Los Angeles 90049
24 New White Memorial August 2001 Adventist Health
Medical Center April 2009 Taylor Associates,
1720 E. Cesar E. Chavez 779,253 Kaplan McLaughlin
Ave. Los Angeles 90033 Diaz Stephen
Wen Associates
25 Palazzo Westwood 2006 Casden Glendon LLC
Village 2008 Van Tilburg Banvard &
1073 Glendon Ave. 528,000 Soderbergh
Westwood 90024
26 Vue 2006 Galaxy Commercial
255 Fifth St. 2008 Holding LLC
San Pedro 700,170 GMP Architects
27 Central High School March 2006 LAUSD
No. 9 September 2008 Coop Himmelb(l)au/HMC
450 N. Grand Avenue 238,000 Architects
Los Angeles 90012
28 LNR Warner Center January 2000 LNR Property Corp.
21255 Burbank Blvd. December 2007 Poliquin Kellogg
Woodland Hills 91367 1,400,000 Design Group
29 The Pointe March 2007 M. David Paul
2900 W. Alameda Ave. February 2009 Ventures LLC
Burbank 91505 485,000 HLW
30 I-405 High Occupancy October 2004 California Department
Vehicle Lane Winter 2009 of Transportation
Route 90 to I-10 N/A N/A
Los Angeles County
31 Central Los Angeles Fall 2005 LAUSD
High School No. 11 Spring 2008 WWCOT
1200 W. Colton St. 320,046
Los Angeles 90012
32 Red Building March 2007 Charles Cohen
8687 Melrose Ave. December 2009 Cesar Pelli
West Hollywood 90069 400,000
33 Kaiser Panorama City December 2003 Kaiser Permanente
Medical Center Hospital September 2007 CO Architects
Replacement & Central 421,187
13652 Cantara St.
Panorama City 91402
34 Hollywood & Vine 2006 Legacy Partners
Apartments 2009 Residential
Hollywood Blvd. and 425,000 McLarend Vasquez/HKS
Vine St. Hollywood
35 St. John's Health September 2004 St. John's Health
Center Keck Diagnostic September 2009 Center
and Treatment Center 268,252 Inc. Hellmuth Obata +
Step 2A & 2B Kassabaum
1301 22nd St.
Santa Monica 90404
36 Palmdale Regional September 2006 Universal Health
Medical Center August 2008 Services
N/A 371,000 HKS Architects
37 Eastside High School February 2005 Antelope Valley Joint
3200 E. J-8 December 2008 Union High
Lancaster 93535 296,478 School District
38 LACMA Phase I June 2005 LACMA
5905 Wilshire Blvd. February 2008 Renzo Piano Building
Los Angeles 90036 350,000 Workshop
39 Hospital West Tower June 2005 Huntington Hospital
100 W. California November 2007 HDR Inc.
Pasadena 91109 245,226
40 Life Sciences June 2007 UCLA
Replacement Building March 2010 Bohlin Cywinski
N/A 175,911 Jackson
41 Pasadena Convention August 2006 City of Pasadena
Center April 2009 Fentress Architects
128 S. Morengo Ave. 219,000
Pasadena 91101
42 NoHo Commons, Phases June 2005 J. H. Snyder Co.
II and III September 2009 The Jerde Partnership
5300 Lankershim Blvd. 550,000
North Hollywood 91601
43 East Valley Middle Summer 2004 LAUSD
School No. 1 Fall 2007 Johnson/Fain
6501 Laurel Canyon Blvd. 162,000
North Hollywood 91601
44 Solair Wilshire September 2006 KOAR Institutional
3785 Wilshire Blvd. December 2008 Advisors LLC
Los Angeles 90010 780,000 Archeon Group
45 LA Live Buildings January 2007 Anschutz Entertain-
A & B August 2008 ment Group
N/A 540,000 RTKL Architects Inc.
Los Angeles 90015
46 Miller Children's January 2006 Long Beach Memorial
Hospital December 2008 Medical Center
2801 Atlantic Ave. 124,000 Taylor and Associates
Long Beach 90801
47 717 Ninth Street Fall 2006 MerueloMaddux
717 W. Ninth St. Winter 2009 Properties Inc.
Los Angeles 90021 500,000 Mambo Architecture
48 Plaza Tower 2007 Presbyterian
Presbyterian Inter- 2012 Intercommunity
community Hospital 250,000 Hospital
Whittier 90602 RBB Architects Inc.
49 California Science September 2006 California Science
Center Phase II June 2009 Center Foundation
700 State Drive 170,000 EHDD Architecture
Los Angeles 90037
50 Sony--Culver Office May 2007 Sony Pictures
Project May 2009 Entertainment
Sony Picture N/A Gensler
Entertainment Lot
Culver City 90232
Project General Contractor
* name * name
Rank * location * phone
1 Eastside Extension of Washington/Obayashi/Shimmick Joint
the Metro Gold Line Venture
Union Station to East (510) 293-1100
Los Angeles Los Angeles
2 Expo Light Rail Line FCI/Fluor/Parsons, a joint venture
Phase I (626) 440-2000
Downtown Los Angeles to
Culver City Los Angeles
3 JW Marriott/The Ritz PCL/Webcor/Clark Construction
Carlton/The Ritz (818) 246-3481
Carlton Residences
L.A. Live
Los Angeles 90015
4 Kaiser Permanente Los Rudolph and Sletten Inc.
Angeles Medical Center (650) 216-3600
4867 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90027
5 LAC+USC Medical Center McCarthy, Clark, Hunt, a joint venture
Replacement (949) 851-8383
1849 Marengo St.
Los Angeles 90033
6 LAX Tom Bradley Clark/McCarthy, a joint venture
International Terminal (714) 252-9779
1 World Way
Los Angeles 90045
7 Ronald Reagan UCLA Tutor-Saliba-Perini Corps.
Hospital (310) 824-5053
750 Westwood Blvd.
Los Angeles 90095
8 Childrens Hospital Rudolph and Sletten Inc.
Los Angeles (323) 660-2450
4650 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 90027
9 Kaiser Downey Medical McCarthy Building Cos. Inc.
Center Replacement (949) 851-8383
93018 Imperial Highway
Downey 90242
10 LAX South Airfield Tutor-Saliba Corp./O&G Industries JV
One World Way (310) 491-3100
Los Angeles 90041
11 Concerto Astani Construction Inc.
Ninth and Figueroa (310) 276-6751
Los Angeles 90015
12 The Century Webcor Builders
Avenue of the Stars (650) 349-2727
Century City 90067
13 Santa Monica UCLA Tutor-Saliba Corp./
Medical Center & S.J. Amaroso Construction Co. Inc.
Orthopaedic Hospital (818) 362-8391
1344 16th St.
Santa Monica 90404
14 The Americana at Brand Bernards
Brand Blvd., Central (818) 898-1521
Ave. and Colorado St.
Glendale 91202
15 Horizon at Playa Vista Morley Construction Co.
Bluff Creek Drive and (310) 399-1600
Campus Center
Playa Vista 90094
16 Terranea Resort Turner Construction Co.
6610 Palos Verdes Drive (310) 802-7040
South Rancho Palos
Verdes 90275
17 JMB Condo Towers N/A
Century City N/A
Constellation Blvd.
Century City
18 Montage Hotel Beverly Charles Pankow Builders Ltd.
Hills (626) 304-1190
Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills 90210
19 Police Headquarters Tutor-Saliba Corp.
Facility (818) 362-8391
1st St. and Spring St.
Los Angeles 90012
20 Luma Evo Howard S. Wright Construction Co.
11th and Grand Ave. (949) 567-1909
Los Angles 90015
21 Symantec Corp. Office Webcor Builders
Campus (650) 349-2727
800-900 Corporate
Pointe Culver City
22 W Hollywood Hotel and Webcor Builders
Residences (650) 349-2727
Hollywood and Vine
Hollywood 90028
23 California Veterans S.J. Amoroso Construction Co. Inc.
Home (650) 654-1900
800 S. Bingham Ave.
Los Angeles 90049
24 New White Memorial Charles Pankow Builders Ltd., Bernards
Medical Center Construction
1720 E. Cesar E. Chavez (626) 791-1125, (818) 898-1521
Ave. Los Angeles 90033
25 Palazzo Westwood Casden Builders Inc.
Village (310) 274-5553
1073 Glendon Ave.
Westwood 90024
26 Vue Bovis Lend Lease
255 Fifth St. (213) 430-4660
San Pedro
27 Central High School PCL Construction Services Inc.
No. 9 (818) 246-3481
450 N. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles 90012
28 LNR Warner Center Snyder Langston
21255 Burbank Blvd. (949) 863-9200
Woodland Hills 91367
29 The Pointe Krismar Construction Co.
2900 W. Alameda Ave. (310) 458-3170
Burbank 91505
30 I-405 High Occupancy Balfour Beatty Construction Inc.
Vehicle Lane (310) 216-9300
Route 90 to I-10
Los Angeles County
31 Central Los Angeles Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
High School No. 11 (949) 852-0111
1200 W. Colton St.
Los Angeles 90012
32 Red Building Jones & Jones
8687 Melrose Ave. (805) 640-3050
West Hollywood 90069
33 Kaiser Panorama City McCarthy Building Cos. Inc.
Medical Center Hospital (949) 851-8383
Replacement & Central
13652 Cantara St.
Panorama City 91402
34 Hollywood & Vine Webcor Builders
Apartments (650) 349-2727
Hollywood Blvd. and
Vine St. Hollywood
35 St. John's Health McCarthy Building Cos. Inc.
Center Keck Diagnostic 949) 851-8383
and Treatment Center
Step 2A & 2B
1301 22nd St.
Santa Monica 90404
36 Palmdale Regional Layton Construction Co.
Medical Center (661) 266-1599
37 Eastside High School Multiple Contractors
3200 E. J-8 N/A
Lancaster 93535
38 LACMA Phase I Matt Construction Corp.
5905 Wilshire Blvd. (562) 903-2277
Los Angeles 90036
39 Hospital West Tower McCarthy Building Cos. Inc.
100 W. California (949) 851-8383
Pasadena 91109
40 Life Sciences PCL Construction Services Inc.
Replacement Building (818) 246-3481
41 Pasadena Convention Clark Construction Group LP
Center (714) 429-977
128 S. Morengo Ave.
Pasadena 91101
42 NoHo Commons, Phases J. H. Snyder Co.
II and III (323) 857-5546
5300 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood 91601
43 East Valley Middle Bernards
School No. 1 (818) 898-1521
6501 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
North Hollywood 91601
44 Solair Wilshire Bovis Lend Lease
3785 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 430-4660
Los Angeles 90010
45 LA Live Buildings Clark Construction Group LP
A & B (714) 429-9779
Los Angeles 90015
46 Miller Children's Turner Construction Co.
Hospital (714) 940-9000
2801 Atlantic Ave.
Long Beach 90801
47 717 Ninth Street Kajima Corp.
717 W. Ninth St. (323) 269-0020
Los Angeles 90021
48 Plaza Tower Millie & Severson Inc.
Presbyterian Inter- (562) 493-3611
community Hospital
Whittier 90602
49 California Science Morley Construction Company
Center Phase II (310) 399-1600
700 State Drive
Los Angeles 90037
50 Sony--Culver Office C.W. Driver
Project (626) 351-8800
Sony Picture
Entertainment Lot
Culver City 90232
N/A--Not Applicable
Note: Information provided by representatives of the owners and general
contractors. Projects must be under contruction as of August 15, 2007.
To the best of our knowledge, this information is accurate as of press
time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and
thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes
occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to
the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire
Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. [c]2007 Los Angeles Business
Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without
prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from
Wright's Reprints, (877) 652-5295.
(1) Business Journal estimate.
(2) Developed by Sares Regis Group.
Researched by David Nusbaum
Monday, September 3, 2007
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