Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MARCH 31st 2008 to JULY 27th 2008

MARCH 31st 2008 to JULY 27th 2008

This is a document that was given to me July 27th 2008 by a resident in executive protection.

One of our concerns in moving to a much bigger building than our prior residence was, safety! We also considered the area of North Hollywood because of the criminal element here in the surrounding neighborhoods. We were assured by the staff here that it was absolutely safe and that no real problems had ever occurred. The following is a list of our encounters here since we have moved in, just 4 months ago.
1. Armed robbery at gun point down the stairs near the elevators in the parking garage. Suspect put a gun to one of our residents head and stole her money.
2. Many times now there has been a group of gang style looking men down in the garage off in the corners and hanging around the garage, These same men have been seen in the stairways and hallways. They do not live here! Obviously!!!
3. I was informed by a complete stranger and again a man dressed in gang style close of the secret code to gain entrance into our building. A code the according to the staff here, not even they have the privilage of knowing, The code by the way is (Note: I removed it from this petition for safety reasons) Door opens right up.
4. Reports by other tenants of drug sells all hours of the day. I myself have witnessed marijuana being smoked and sold in the open. In the hallways, garage, and by the pool.
5. On 6-10-08 I called the Police and spoke to dispatch regarding strange people in the garage. When I asked them to leave I got told to go F--- myself and who the F--- was I!
6. 6-12-08 Police were called to a neighboring apartment and had to kick down the door for a domestic violence problem late at night.
7. A continuous smell of Marijuana coming into our apartment. This is everyday, 24/7.
8. Loud, thumping music at 2, 3, 4 o’clock in the morning.
9. Reports of vandalism and car theft on more than one occasion down in the parking garage.
10. Last week there was a used condom and an obviously used tampon in the stair way that leads to How’s Market.
11. 6-20-08 I took a picture today of yet ANOTHER bloody napkin and used condom wrapper in the stairway.
12. Spoke with Mary O’Rourke (Legacy Part.) in regards to all these issues today 6-20-08
13. 6-25-08 came home and found dead and rotting chicken parts in shopping cart in my hallway.
14. Met with Officer Cantalano on 6-23-08 in all regards, AS DID many neighbors.
15. 6-24-08 saw an Attorney taking photos of the garage, cars, trash, and other stuff down in P1 parking
16. –30-08 Weddington side stairway door that leads outside disabled by tape. Fixed open. I called building emergency number. Doors continue to be fixed not to lock…
17. 7-26-08 (Sat) suspicious person running down the hall on the 4th floor with a ski mask on holding a crow bar.
18. 7-27-08 returned home from vac. To find out that 5 cars down in our resident parking area had all 4 tires and rims stolen. These were BMW’s and Mercedes.
19. A used condom and wrapper found in the parking garage AGAIN, Photo taken… 7-27-08

My girl comes home late at night and carries large sums of cash at times. She is afraid to come home. She is afraid to walk from the garage to our apartment. Afraid to come home!!! I work in Executive Protection at times and have had to go down to escort her to our apartment because of this situation. This is no way for us or any of us to live. Had we known all this before moving in here, we would have definitely not made the move. Had we not have invested so much in our apartment with adding the second floor, we would move! We pay to much money to live here to have to deal with this crap! You need to hire security for the building! The NoHo bike patrol works outside our building and they are not armed. We rent from you and it is your job to keep us safe. This is a huge problem that you need to fix! Sooner or later someone here is going to be seriously hurt or God forbid worse even killed. I have contacted Officer Cantalano with these issues and will continue to go higher in the ranks through the city, police, and your company until something is done. This area used to be huge gang activity, especially the Weddington side. We need your help to make our home a safe one! Please take care of this! UNEXCEPTABLE!

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